Category: Retail

  • Amazon’s Retail Expansion Strategy

    Amazon’s Retail Expansion Strategy

    Amazon is dominating e-commerce, and by acquiring Whole Foods and initiating Amazon Go, Amazon is about to change the retail as we know it. With all these news, what is Amazon’s strategy behind these moves? Amazon has acquired Whole Foods in June 2017 for $13.7 Bn. It was refreshing news to everybody in the industry since…

  • Amazon Go is the Pioneer of the New Retail Era

    Amazon Go is the Pioneer of the New Retail Era

    Amazon has invented the MVP of the Future of Retail, and it looks terrifying for traditional brick-and-mortar retailers. What are the reasons making Amazon Go the future, and what can retailers do about it? Amazon has made unusual moves in the last couple of months. The e-commerce giant was blinking on the traditional grocery shopping market…