Category: English

  • Market Analysis with AI for Product Growth Strategy + NYT Games App Example

    Market Analysis with AI for Product Growth Strategy + NYT Games App Example

    Market analysis helps a lot in understanding the current state of an industry. It’s always a challenge when you focus on a new industry that you’ve never worked on, but market analysis helps a lot in understanding that new industry inside and out. Yet, it’s super time-consuming. That’s where chatbots get in; since they have…

  • How will AI affect product management?

    How will AI affect product management?

    ChatGPT has been burning the world for the last couple of months, and it’s there to stay. OpenAI’s models seem to be developing super fast, and of course, it raises a lot of concerns for people with regard to the future of their jobs. All big shifts led to big changes in jobs, but this…

  • Can games be the main driver of education?

    Can games be the main driver of education?

    I didn’t know a lot about the Greek gods when I was younger. Although they were a part of our history and philosophy courses back in Turkey, I wasn’t really interested in them, nor was the curriculum very extensive or fun on those topics. Yet, a friend of mine invited me to play Age of…

  • Book Review: The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

    Book Review: The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

    The Last Wish by Andrzej SapkowskiMy rating: 4 of 5 stars After watching the Netflix series, the books took my attention; because I wanted to learn about the future of the story, and what the fuss was about around the books. Yet, I was a bit suspicious, because there were a lot of negative comments on the translation…

  • Book Review: Matchmakers by David Evans

    Book Review: Matchmakers by David Evans

    Matchmakers: The New Economics of Multisided Platforms by David S. Evans My rating on Goodreads: 3 of 5 stars The word “marketplace” landed into our everyday vocabulary a couple of years ago – and since then, we’ve seen a lot of companies grow exponentially. The book Matchmakers targets to enlighten us about the mechanics of…

  • Book Review: 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke

    Book Review: 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke

    2001: Bir Uzay Destanı by Arthur C. Clarke My rating on Goodreads: 5 of 5 stars I remember the first time I’ve seen Matrix, which was a life-changing experience. Rethinking about reality from different angles was an eye-opening experience for me back then. Now, we’re in 2021.We’re living in the information age, where most of…

  • Book Review: The Theory of Everything by Stephen Hawking

    Book Review: The Theory of Everything by Stephen Hawking

    The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe by Stephen Hawking My rating on Goodreads: 5 of 5 stars The universe is a complicated topic – where there are multiple aspects to it. There are many angles to look from and a foundation; you need to go through numerous resources to find…

  • Daily and Weekly PPC Advertising Routines

    Daily and Weekly PPC Advertising Routines

    Like other growth practices, PPC advertising also requires an iterative process to deliver better results every day. Hence, of course, if you are stepping in the advertising area, you have to know that you’ll need to spend some time to get good results. It’s not possible to say that it’s a super manageable and easy…

  • How COVID-19 Affected PPC Marketing Across Industries

    How COVID-19 Affected PPC Marketing Across Industries

    PPC marketing naturally is being affected by different happenings within the ecosystem. Now that the first six months of 2020 is over, how did performance across industries change? Every year, we see seasonality in PPC marketing, as it’s visible in many other areas. This year, due to the extraordinary conditions COVID-19 brought to our lives,…