Category: Marketing

  • The Ultimate Guide to Buyer Personas

    The Ultimate Guide to Buyer Personas

    Personas are like dictionaries of your customers — that include all details you need to take a look at. But, how can you find the right information about your customers? Persona is a representation of your ideal customers, based on the real data and educated guesses of yours, about your customer demographics, behaviors, motivations, goals and any…

  • Random Thoughts — 1: Snapchat, Life, Startups

    Random Thoughts — 1: Snapchat, Life, Startups

    Night. Interesting things happen in this magical timeframe. It’s a great time to relax and maybe do the things that you want to focus but couldn’t focus all day because you were struggling with your clients and daily routines. As being a start-up co-founder, that is the only timeframe that I can spend with my…